В числе участников выставки – художники галереи pop/off/art: Эрик Булатов, Влад Юрашко, Виталий Пушницкий, Ольга Чернышева, Иван Плющ.
MoreThe exhibition is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Alexey Grigoriev (1949-2002), a Moscow sculptor and graphic artist closely associated with the galaxy of sixties sculptors. An innovative approach to combining various materials and technical experiments with metal became the markers of Alexey Grigoriev's sculptural plasticity. The exhibition will be divided into several narrative lines dedicated to mythological subjects and heroes. Curator: Anastasia Kotelnikova
More MoreThe catalog was released for Rostislav Lebedev’s exhibition "Rough cuts” which took place at MMOMA from November 9, 2023 to January 28, 2024. The name of the project referred to Lebedev’s artistic method. Unlike many authors who use subtle, hidden “montage” of ready-made images, he prefers the sharp dissonance of images, a sharp transition from one sign to another. It is precisely such “Rough cuts” that, according to the artist, are capable of carving new, fresh meanings from the simple fact of the meeting of two well-known images. More than 100 works by the author were presented in 9 halls, each of which was addressed to a specific artistic medium of Lebedev.
More MoreA short philosophical essay opens the door to the artist's perception of what is happening in a confusing world. The text allows you to look into the thoughts of a man who finds himself on an island with himself.
More Morepop/off/art represents publications released by the gallery team or with its support. Here you can find personal catalogues of our artists and monographs about them, catalogues of friendly projects and books by pop/off/art founder Sergey Popov. We are trying to expand our range with new publishing projects. Stay tuned!
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В числе участников выставки – художники галереи pop/off/art: Эрик Булатов, Влад Юрашко, Виталий Пушницкий, Ольга Чернышева, Иван Плющ.
MoreБыли удостоены почетного упоминания жюри в номинации «Интерактивное искусство».
MoreВ номинации «Проект года»
MoreПродукцию Юрия Татьянина и Артели инвалидов-дальтоников теперь можно купить на сайте.
More25 октября, в кинотеатре «Ударник», состоялось открытие выставки номинантов Премии Кандинского 2012. Одним из номинантов на премию Кандинского в этом году стал художник Виталий Пушницкий с его проектом "Механизмы времени".
MoreРоссийские фотографы и фотохудожники, кураторы, коллекционеры и руководители ведущих московских арт- и новостных организаций примут участие в FotoFest 2012 — проходящей уже 14-й раз биеннале фотографии и искусств, основанных на фотографии.
MorePop/off/art gallery doesn't review or accept new artists portfolios