Vitaly Pushnitsky (born in 1967) is one of the leading Russian artists. He is primarily known as a painter although he works in a wide range of techniques — from printed graphics to large-scale objects and installations. In his painting Pushnitsky is in an active dialogue with the world history of art but at the same time he builds his own narrative and develops new visual languages. The artist works on painting series that can last for years and overlap in content. Since 2022 he has been publishing books of philosophical prose.
Vitaly Pushnitsky was born in 1967 in Leningrad (since 1991 Saint Petersburg). In 1994 he graduated from the State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin (former Academy of Arts). Simultaneously he was studying at Ivan Gurin’s private studio. The laureate of many international grants, author of a number of public projects (Russia, Denmark, India, Finland and etc.). Multiple nominee of the Kandinsky Prize and other awards. The participant of many international exhibitions and biennales. In 2011 he was included in the publication ”Vitamin P2“ among the crucial contemporary authors which define new perspectives in painting (publishing house „Phaidon”).
Since the early 1990s he has been engaged in figurative painting continuously improving his skills and expanding the range of techniques. From 2008 until about 2013 the palette was mostly monochrome. Pushnitsky gained the most fame thanks to his work on the painting series “Studio” (since 2014) and “Tribute” (since 2016) paintings from which were included in the largest Russian collections and a number of international ones. He created many works at the crossroads of painting and an object including the integration of video into painting. In 2019 within the project «Gap» he created video works in the NFT format – they became the first samples of NFT videos exhibited in the Russian gallery.
He has published two books of philosophical prose ("Garden", 2022; "Forest", 2023, both – St. Petersburg). Lives in St. Petersburg.
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